Wheelwash supports SADS UK charity as the condition continues to hit the news
When considering which charity to support, the team at Wheelwash were convinced by Fabrication Supervisor, Gary Hockenhull, to choose SADS UK, after hearing that a family friend had been tragically affected by the condition. SADS stands for Sudden Arrythmic Death Syndrome, a heart condition that affects the young.
In addition to an array of fundraising activities being planned by staff members, Wheelwash has dedicated to the charity a wheel cleaning system, painted specially in their colours and sporting the SADS UK logo. 10% of the rental revenue it generates will go straight to SADS UK which will help raise awareness of this difficult-to-diagnose condition and to buy lifesaving defibrillator machines which cost over £1000 per unit.
The first hire commenced on 12th May in Halesham and the Wheelwash team are working hard to ensure the rental bookings are high to generate as many funds as possible.
The new rental machine was launched in the presence of Angela Morris, North West Co-ordinator for SADS UK, accompanied by co-campaigner and Middlewich representative, Linda Boden. Sadly, both ladies have lost sons, suddenly and unexpectedly to this condition at the ages of 26 and 18 respectively. Angela commented, "Victims exhibit few, if any symptoms, so it is important our SADS UK charity builds as much awareness as possible, as well as offering bereavement counselling. The charity has a positive approach and is very much about funding research into the condition, preventing loss from it and ultimately surviving it with the help of defibrillators. We want to see defibrillators everywhere you would see a fire extinguisher. They really do save lives."
Sudden Arrythmic Death Syndrome happens when a certain underlying condition causes someone to have a cardiac arrest. The heart stops pumping blood around the body, the person loses consciousness and will stop breathing. Unless treated immediately, this leads to death within minutes. Victims can sometimes be revived with CPR in the first instance, but chances of survival are massively improved if a defibrillator can be used.
General Manager of Wheelwash UK, Carol Godfrey commented, "It has been a pleasure meeting Angela and Linda, who show such courage in driving this charity forward, following the loss of their sons. It has been rather an emotional morning, yet there is so much positivity about the benefits our donations can bring to the charity".
In March 2012, the condition was brought to public attention when professional footballer, Fabrice Muamba suffered a cardiac arrest during a televised FA Cup match. Thanks to the quick reaction of a medical professional who was spectating and the use of a defibrillator, Fabrice made a full recovery despite his heart having stopped for 78 minutes.Visit the Wheelwash Ltd website for more information on Wheelwash supports SADS UK charity as the condition continues to hit the news