
Electronic Data Capture (e-POD)

EDC provides a driver-friendly method of recording the progress of each job in real-time, including signature capture and this data can be made available for customers to view in the Vigo Customer Portal. Jobs, messages and collection requests can be transmitted to the driver eliminating time-consuming and error prone phone calls., Plan the manifest and run order of work and assign the job to a driver/vehicle in the Vigo traffic management program. A simple mouse click will allow the traffic desk to send the manifest to a driver (the drivers’ handset). Collection requests may also be easily transmitted. The driver receives his manifest/collections electronically onscreen. The driver accepts the manifest and proceeds to his first drop. At the delivery point using the hand held device the driver will use the VinCab software to send back statuses such as Arrived, Unloaded, Departed as-well as a signature and any clauses such as damaged or delivered short. The statuses and signatures are displayed in the back office system against manifests and also uploaded to the online portal within approximately 10 minutes of receipt. The EDC process gives the depot a more or less paperless operation with full track and trace for both the customer and depot. EDC also affords additional functionality for those customers using invoice by email providing them the information to enable them to invoice the customer within 10 minutes of the goods being delivered.

Visit the Vigo Software Ltd website for more information on Electronic Data Capture (e-POD)


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