MAHA will be showcasing innovative highlights and world premieres at the Automechanika Frankfurt 2018
• As a trailblazer, MAHA uses the industry's leading trade fair Automechanika in Frankfurt from 11.09.2018 to 15.09.2018 and presents innovative premieres to the world public for the first time in parallel in a specially created virtual reality.
• On more than 1,500 m2 MAHA will be presenting in Hall 8 on stand C04 as well as on the special exhibition area in the Festhalle (hall 2) on stand D70, the entire range of services on the character re-recorded and partly multi-storey exhibition areas
Haldenwang, July 30, 2018. Be a guest of MAHA, experience product demonstrations, digital capability, and take the opportunity to personally meet with local MAHA experts. MAHA would like to cordially invite all interested parties and has already deposited the personal ticket to the fair. Simply use the voucher code offered free of charge by MAHA at , in order to be able to create a personal guest ticket in the second step via . In addition to the extensive range of services, the following world premieres and highlights will be presented, which are briefly outlined below with the most important facts:
Brake tester MBT CONNECT series
The world premiere of the network-capable roller brake tester of the MBT CONNECT series is a technological milestone and underpins the market leadership of MAHA. The pre-installed and web-based user software is already integrated in the test bench control, so that the measured value display in responsive design can be output on any network-capable PC or smart device. The extension to the test lane with MAHA components is also already integrated by the application. The specially developed web application works locally as well as with an online connection. Thanks to online access, measured values and order data can also be transferred and processed centrally via an optional connection to the digital car dealership. Likewise, a functional hub was achieved through the new interface connection to other systems.
[Image: CONNECT_Teaser.JPG ]
Pit lift 3x telescopic PITFORCE series
MAHA wird mit dem innovativen 3-fach-teleskopierbaren Grubenheber der PITFORCE Serie sowohl optisch wie auch technisch neue Maßstäbe setzen. Die eigens entwickelte und gestaltete Wabenstruktur vermittelt nicht nur eine äußerst werthaltige und moderne Haptik, sondern sie unterstützt damit die Anwender durch eine verbesserte Ergonomie und höhere Standfestigkeit. Technisch kommt ein völlig neu designter Steuerungsblock aus Aluminium zum Einsatz. Ein verbesserter Korrosionsschutz sorgt für eine noch längere Lebensdauer auch bei extremen Einsatzbedingungen. Besonders zu erwähnen ist auch die geringe Bauhöhe von unter 700 mm, die dennoch eine Hubhöhe von über 1.200 mm erlaubt und damit in diesem Verhältnis State of the Art ist. Die präzise Fußsteuerung für exaktes Anfahren und punktgenaue Aufnahme, speziell beim Getriebeausbau, sind ebenso hervorzuheben. Alles Made in Germany!
[Image: PITFORCE_Teaser_01.JPG , PITFORCE_Teaser_02.JPG ]
Digital car dealership
Digitale Autohaus is a web-based online suite for planning relevant processes in the automotive and new mobility sector. Our software is compatible with every modern browser on almost all devices (PC / Mac, iOS, Android). This eliminates the need to manually install updates, as this is done automatically in the background. So all functions and features are always available without interruption. In addition, all data is stored on German high-security servers and can be retrieved securely at any time and from anywhere. Use Digital Autohaus to book appointments, whether online, by phone or via Amazon Alexa. Plan staff and shifts, rental and rental vehicles, or use our garage search to quickly see all the information about specific jobs. All these processes are synchronized in real time so that everyone involved is always up to date with the latest information. Optimize work processes and coordinate them with those of collaborators to always provide comprehensive and efficient solutions for your customers, whether it is a simple exhaust measurement or a complete digital dialogue by your service staff including car rental. Thanks to the digital connection of numerous interfaces and modules, you can plan a wide range of processes in such a way that they are transparent and comprehensible for all parties involved, from the supplier to the end customer. It does not matter whether you run your own car dealership, are part of a larger network or whether you concentrate on bodywork and paint work:
Virtual reality
At the fair, MAHA will be presenting a fully equipped vehicle workshop including vehicle runs in a specially designed Virtual Reality, which will be integrated into the stand at the trade fair stand in a total of three created cubes. All components from MAHA - from testing and safety technology, chassis and lifting technology to diagnostic and exhaust gas measuring technology - experience all products close up in action.Visit the MAHA UK Ltd website for more information on MAHA will be showcasing innovative highlights and world premieres at the Automechanika Frankfurt 2018