
Airtab Painting Instruction

You can paint your Airtabs to match your vehicle colour. To obtain a professional and lasting finish follow these basic guidelines. To ensure you get good adhesion between the Airtab and the coating you must ensure that the preparation is done exactly in accordance with the paint manufacturers instructions All required materials are readily available in aerosol form (if required), from your local Auto paint suppliers. Inform your paint specialist that you require materials to paint a Styrenic Polymer. You will need: a primer, paint, and a clear finishing lacquer -Ensure your Airtab`s are clean, dry and prepared in accordance with the instructions found on the Plastic Primer Tin. -Apply the Plastics Primer to the Airtab in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply the Paint evenly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction. -Building up thin layers should give a better result than one thick coat. -When the paint is dry we recommend the use of clear lacquer. This gives a good gloss finish to your Airtabs and helps preserve the paint colour for longer.

Visit the Airtab UK Ltd website for more information on Airtab Painting Instruction


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