

GATETRAK™ EXPRESSDelivery Data Analysis & Reporting GateTrak™ Express is a PC-based application that helps you access and interpret the information recorded by Unisto?s Crypta® seals monitoring all delivery events, providing input to management and planning activities.BENEFITS * Simple analysis of gathered data. * Display results graphically on screen for ?at a glance? visibility * Provides hard copy proof of security violations for use in prosecutions * Simplify & speed up the reporting processKEY FEATURES * Builds up a history log for every trailer fitted with a Crypta seal. * Simple reporting by date, journey & trailer available * Search by trailer/date. * Flexible export options – system allows you to export data for use in other applications for graphical presentation or more complex reporting eg Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint.

Visit the Unisto Ltd website for more information on GATETRAK™ EXPRESS


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