


HEAVY HAULAGE – ABNORMAL LOAD TRANSPORT ABNORMAL LOAD TRANSPORT: MEETING THE CHALLENGES OF HEAVY HAULAGE In the bustling metropolis of London, an astonishing 37,000 abnormal loads traverse the Transport for London Road Network (TfL), colloquially known as London’s ‘red routes,’ annually. With the ongoing drive to create new homes, employment opportunities, and robust infrastructure, this number is expected to surge. This need for oversized load transportation isn’t unique to London; it’s a challenge faced by major cities across the UK (source: FORS managing indivisible loads Toolkit). Navigating the intricacies of abnormal load transport isn’t a straightforward endeavor. This industry operates under a robust regulatory framework, which includes: The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (C&U Regulations) The Road Vehicles (Authorised Weight) Regulations 1998 (AW Regulations) The Road Vehicles (Authorisation of Special Types) (General) Order 2003 (STGO) While the guidelines for notifying authorities about abnormal load movements haven’t seen an update in two decades, the monitoring efforts by regulatory bodies have intensified in response to the growing presence of these oversized loads on Britain’s roads. Anecdotally, reports suggest that objections to abnormal load notifications have more than doubled. While some regulatory bodies collaborate with haulage operators to facilitate these unique transports, others are less accommodating. For many, this newfound vigilance by authorities signifies a long-overdue awakening to the magnitude of movements that have gone unnoticed for years. At our firm, we specialize in the complex web of legislation that governs Heavy Haulage. We have a proven track record, having both prosecuted and defended specialized cases within this niche sector. Our expertise ensures that our clients can navigate the regulatory landscape with confidence, ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of abnormal loads. In conclusion, as the demand for infrastructure development continues to surge, abnormal load transportation is set to play an increasingly pivotal role in shaping the future of our cities. With ever-evolving regulations and heightened scrutiny from authorities, partnering with experts in Heavy Haulage legislation is essential for success in this dynamic industry. There is professional Guidance on abnormal loads available online to include: Highways Agency Aide Memoire FORS Managing Indivisible Loads Toolkit Embargo Map Adapted from CE Transport Law article © 18th July, 2023.

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