
Vehicle Check App


Don’t worry – be ‘appy Remember the days when your drivers looked forward to all that glorious fleet department paperwork they had to do? How they chomped at the bit to fill in those defect reports? No? Nah – neither do we. That’s why we devolped TDi’s cloud-based vehicle check app. See…with TDi’s vehicle check app, the days of endless paperwork are over for all those transport/logistics firms who want it to be over. Your drivers will be delirious! Smart, simple and user-friendly – not only does it cut down the amount of paper floating around – it’s all recorded in real-time by the driver so you can get immediate notification via the app that the checks have been done…or not, as the case may be. Technically whizz-bangery at it’s very finest, eh? If you’re running a busy fleet department – the TDi vehicle check app allows you to capture a wide spectrum of data, making visibility of fleet location loads easier, mileage more straightforward and individual vehicle checks a doddle for the driver. Convinced? You should be. If you want to find out more about the ins-and-outs of TDi’s vehicle check app, click here…then give us a call!

Visit the TDI Ltd website for more information on Vehicle Check App


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