Pickup Vehicle Bodies In Kent
Pickup Vehicle Bodies In KentThe necessity for a vehicle that can respond quickly and assure supply continuity has grown as demands on utility services have increased. Strongs has collaborated with a number of high-profile suppliers to create a vehicle capable of delivering what is needed. Strongs body modifications were designed to function in the most demanding settings and provide an ergonomic base that will never fail you. Strongs has an ISO 9001:2008 quality system in place, as well as VCA Conformity of Production, which allows us to assure that every part of our vehicle conversions is Type Approved under NSSTA, IVA, or EWVTA. This ensures that all of our goods are compliant with European regulations.
For more information on our services and products please visit our website, alternatively call 01827 302490 and someone from our team will be happy to help with your enquiry.
Visit the Strongs Plastic Products Ltd website for more information on Pickup Vehicle Bodies In Kent