
6 Fast Facts About Fleet Tracking


GPS fleet tracking systems are becoming more and more common amongst larger companies with a vast number of vehicles. These include companies that provide transportation services, such as taxi services, or businesses in the construction industry. Essentially, any company with a large number of vehicles can benefit from fleet tracking systems. These fleet tracking services are a huge part of the running operations of these businesses; so what makes them such a crucial part of the business? 1. Fleet Tracking lets You Locate Your Vehicles at Any Time First and foremostly, fleet tracking allows you to know the precise location of all of your company vehicles at any given time, from any location. This allows you to communicate effectively with your drivers. It also allows you to communicate more effectively with your customers. If for example, you are a delivery company, you will be able to let your clients and customers know exactly when they can expect their goods to be delivered to them. Additionally, while no one wants to think badly of their employees, fleet tracking services allow you to ensure that your company vehicles are not being used for unauthorised activities outside of the company business. Naturally, this is also true if a vehicle is stolen; you will be able to pinpoint its exact location and aid the police’s investigation. 2. Minimise Expenses Another clear benefit of fleet tracking services is that it allows a company to reduce their overhead costs. GPS tracking allows you to monitor the fuel consumption of vehicles, and, as mentioned previously, crack down on unauthorised use of your vehicles. Along with route optimisation services, your fuel consumption can be cut down significantly, saving you a huge amount of money. 3. Fleet Tracking will Reduce Insurance Costs Big businesses with a large number of vehicles often have to pay a huge amount to insurance companies to ensure their vehicles against theft. Installing GPS fleet tracking systems in your company’s vehicles often means that you will see a reduction on your premiums each month. 4. Build Customer Trust GPS fleet tracking systems can also help you build a better relationship with your clients or customers. As you will be able to see the exact locations of your vehicles, you will be able to let customers know exactly when they can expect to have their products delivered. This means that your customers will trust your business, as they will always receive their goods when you say that they’ll be there. 5. Ensure Employee Safety Fleet tracking helps tremendously to improve the safety of your employees. If one of your drivers gets into trouble – a breakdown on the roadside, a stolen vehicle, or even accident and injury – you will be able to see this and respond immediately. This allows you to get your employee the help they need in a short amount of time, which can be paramount in these situations. Additionally, employees work better in situations where they feel safe. There have been studies that indicate that employees that are monitored, and feel secure in their place of work are often more productive. 6. Fleet Tracking will Help you to Manage Maintenance It’s possible to configure your fleet tracking system to give you alerts regarding mileage, time, and engine use. This allows you to create a schedule for vehicle maintenance before a vehicle begins to break down. As your vehicles will be properly maintained, they are unlikely to develop mechanical issues and you will save money on emergency vehicle repairs. Ultimately, there are a huge number of benefits to investing in a fleet tracking system. If your company has a large number of vehicles, it’s highly likely that these systems will reduce your overhead costs and help your business to run smoothly and efficiently. To find out more about fleet tracking or any of our other tracking solutions, please get in touch!

Visit the Safetrac Solutions Ltd website for more information on 6 Fast Facts About Fleet Tracking


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