
Project: Saffron Hill

***Road Closure & Traffic Control***: No Traffic. At Saffron Hill we closed the road to traffic and allowed pedestrian access. For MRI London this was a straight forward task, the sort we deal with on an almost daily basis. With proper planning the minimum inconvenience possible was caused to local businesses, in fact the spectacle increased passing trade. ***Confined Spaces***: Up and Under .On the roof was very limited space. We couldn't follow common procedure as there were fixed obstacles on and around the roof. MRI London's experienced teams were able to overcome these problems by careful manoeuvring and specialist rigging techniques. Each step was carefully monitored and successful. ***The Lift***: A single unit lifted by an ordinary crane, a quick and straight forward operation for MRI London. The only exceptional consideration was the rigging. Once the unit has reached the roof level there is insufficient room to move it directly into place. The rigging was placed to allow one end to drop so we can navigate under the existing superstructure beams. This is a difficult operation as it moves the weight to one end which causes instability. ***Side Street - Complete Closure***: We always try to operate from the side of the building that causes minimum inconvenience - something that is appreciated by all those who work around you. Our work ranges from partial road closure to closing an entire street for 3 weeks. We are aware of all the limitations and restrictions so always endeavour to do the best we can in the most trying of circumstances. ***Large Loads***: Our experience with rigging and lifting means we are fast and effective - both being very necessary for you and all businesses around you. We don't claim to please all of the people all of the time but we do claim to keep all problems to the absolute minimum possible. When the load arrives our trained operatives quickly put up the rigging and prepare for the lift. Speed and care are both important, because we know what we are doing MRI London do both. ***Smaller Stuff***: In-between the large plant being lifted into place we had several smaller items to handle. To use the allocated time time effectively we took great care to ensure that as one left another took it's place. Each task had to be completed quickly to avoid delays for the next load, which would knock on and ultimately mean one lorry being unloaded while another one waits. With proper planning and a realistic idea of how long each stage would take meant MRI London completed the task on time. ***Confined Space - Lift Up, Drop Down***: The unit had to be lifted above the roof to avoid fixed structures already in place on the roof and surrounding buildings. Clear communication between those on the ground and those on the roof was essential. Instructions from the roof must be given in good time to allow the ground crew to respond. When lifting heavy plant you cannot make sudden decisions to stop - the crane may stop but the load won't ***Confined Space - One Step at a Time***: At each step we have to pause and let the load settle. This is more of an art than a science, which takes considerable experience to anticipate. "Order plus counter order equals disorder" is a maxim from the Armed Forces - it is never more true than when lifting large loads. It is essential to understand that once the order to stop is given there is a delay, get it wrong and you go too far or too short. Frankly the inexperienced could be there all day swinging backward and forwards trying to get it right. ***Confined Space - All Together***: Each member of the team must know what they are to do and when they are to do it. Errors at best cost money and at worst cost lives. That is why you need people who know what they are doing. MRI London know because we have usually done it before. That's why our clients comeback to us when they need a good job done well at reasonable cost. ***Care, Consideration and Accuracy***: Our experienced teams understand all aspects of the job. They may be watching over a part of the operation but they are always aware of the needs and restrictions others are under. Experience and teamwork are key to MRI London's success - we tackle jobs from the everyday to the extremely difficult, we take them all in our stride. Whatever needs doing MRI London have probably done it before. ***Final Stages***: Once the lift is complete and the crane has done all it can do it is over to human effort to finish. At Saffron Hill the unit rested on two runners, great care was taken to ensure the unit was straight and level.Once it is in place you cannot change you mind - its stays there. Use the wrong company and it will cost you time and money

Visit the MRI London website for more information on Project: Saffron Hill


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