
About Us

Launched in 2010 Meautor Limited convert all types of vehicles to a hybrid. The product has been successfully installed on thousands of vehicles including vans, cars, boats, buses and tractors.

We have built a strong management team with an exceptional range of skills and experience to implement this product globally. We firmly believe in the enormous contribution we can make to the reduction of emissions by reducing fuel consumption.

A selection of these water hybridisations are displayed on the testimonials page on our website, and we have added some other photos and examples on the individual product category pages, e.g. diesel vans being converted to diesel and rain water hybrids.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Add Rain Water for Greater Fuel Economy

  • Hybrid your 4x4 Fuel Saving Kit

  • Hybrid your BiTurbo Truck Fuel Saving Kit

  • Hybrid Your Boat Fuel Saving Kit

  • Hybrid your Bus Fuel Saving Kit

  • Hybrid your Camper Van Fuel Saving Kit

  • Hybrid Your Car Fuel Saving Kit

  • Hybrid your Motor Bike Fuel Saving Kit

  • Hybrid your Tractor Fuel Saving Kit

  • Hybrid your Truck Fuel Saving Kit

Meautor has 13 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 13 Products

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  • Professional logo

  • RIP Distinctive Blue tubing

  • Hybrid Albums on Facebook

  • Mini Milestone on Facebook

Meautor has 4 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 4 of 4 News