
Shock Absorber Testing Tool

The SAT USB Shock absorber tester was designed to save time and money. The unit tests shock absorbers while they are still fitted to the vehicle. This easy to use device is based on ultrasonic distance measuring technology and has a place in every workshop.

This unit will identify faulty shock absorbers which increases customer safety and at the same time creates profits for the workshop by replacing the faulty shock absorbers.

The suspension tester does not need any electrical supply which means you can test vehicles inside or outside the workshop. The SAT USB is controlled by a 32-bit processor and fitted with an LCD display. There is a quick printer installed within the unit as well as a USB interface. Therefore the collected data can be analysed, evaluated and displayed in the form of graphs and be printed out either on the unit or PC. These reports in turn act as evidence to your customer that their shock absorbers needed replacing!

Each unit comes complete in a carry case consisting of;

Ultrasonic Transmitter

Thermal Paper

1.8m USB Lead

Power pack & Software

Advantages over our competitors products...

* More robust and quicker Printer (printout within 20 seconds instead approximately 90 seconds

* Quick processors and USB-interface

* There are storage spaces for 25 Cars (instead 10 by another devices)

* The device can be easily connected to the PC through the USB-Interface and the advantage of the PC Software can be used.

* Customer Data and Car data can be easily created, administered and stored. That means: the transfer of data between S-A-T USB in the both directions.

* Customer data, measuring data and car data can be collected in a data base. This data can be consequently and easily administered.

* The PC printouts can be individually configured with your own company logo in text. These printouts persuade the customers and act as a proof.

* There is the possibility to update the device Software and the PC Software via Internet

* Powerful battery

* Intelligent charging connection

* Symbol-Menu-Management

* Battery buffered real time (no need to input the data and settings after battery change).

* Synchronisation of the device time and device date with the PC

Visit the Butts of Bawtry website for more information on Shock Absorber Testing Tool


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