
MultiBid Fleet Expenditure Funding

One of your company's biggest operating costs is likely to be Fleet expenditure. In these difficult times, businesses need to tighten their belts. MultiBid, Inchcape Fleet Solutions’ dynamic funding system, is the perfect tool to provide the most competitive vehicle quotes for your fleet. Inchcape Fleet Solutions are constantly adapting to meet the needs of our clients. In a changing marketplace, this is a necessity. Using the power of innovation, we design products and services to provide our clients with a continuously evolving ‘best practice’ fleet solution. Our latest industry-leading development provides the best possible balance between cost effectiveness, ongoing cost management and value for money. MultiBid is a fully integrated online 'funding' process that enables our clients to receive competitive funding quotes on each and every vehicle, at the point of order.

Visit the Inchcape Fleet Solutions Limited website for more information on MultiBid Fleet Expenditure Funding


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