
About Us

As the majority of businesses will already know, the last few years have been a challenge for us all, yet these times have reminded everyone of what really matters.

Here at Hymix we specialise in concrete mixers, concrete truck mixers and volumetric mixers.

Our team has taken the opportunity to question every aspect of the product design and how it is delivered into the market.

Guided by their Customers, the end result embodies all they have learned in 25 years of trading distilled into a design that reflects the needs and goals of the modern operator.

Please explore our website and discover the depth of the engineering, the scope of the specification and the relevance to your business in delivering a clear competitive advantage.

We hope you will agree that Hymix should form a key foundation stone on which you business can stand strong.


  • Bespoke Product Mixing Systems

  • Cement Mixer Frame Support Chassis

  • Colour Master Secondary Mixer

  • Concrete Mixer Cable Control Panels

  • Concrete Mixer Maintenance Support

  • Concrete Mixer Manufacturer

  • Corporate Branded Mixer Livery Paintwork

  • Cronus Asphalt Recycler Design

  • Hymix New P Series Transit Mixer

  • Mixer Component Parts Supplier

Hymix has 20 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 20 Products

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