
Checklock SQ® Retainer

Checklock SQ® is a premium stainless steel wheel nut retainer which is manufactured in the UK and distributed across the world. The Checklock SQ® has two handles which when squeezed along with the fore finger and thumb, can loosen the two coils enough to enable room for two adjacent nuts to pass through. When the handles are released, the coils can tighten and grip onto the wheel nuts in order to retain them which reduces the likelihood of wheel nuts loosening, or backing away from the wheel hub entirely. The product is both durable and reusable, with no fitting tool needed which dramatically reduces maintenance time and costs. The Checklock SQ® wheel nut retainer is a new product which supersedes the Checklock®, previously made from a circular shaped steel material and now made from a square shaped steel cross-section. The Checklock SQ® has developed to become a core product from Checkpoint Safety and is experiencing high growth and global demand. The Checklock SQ® is supplied in a very large variety of sizes in order to cover a wide scope of applications across the commercial vehicle sector.

Visit the Checkpoint website for more information on Checklock SQ® Retainer