DVSA Compliance And Transport Managers
Transport Managers Responsibilites: Transport Managers have a unique role. They work for an operator to ensure that the drivers and operators comply with current legislation. At the same time they are also responsible to the wider public, through the Traffic Commissioner to ensure compliance. The Traffic Commissioner hold Transport Managers in high regard and realise how challenging their roles can be however, they will not tolerate any flouting of a Transport Managers responsibilities, penalties for failings can be serious and could mean loss of Repute and no longer able to hold a CPC. Implications for Transport Managers: Traffic Commissioners have used their powers to take away the professional competence and good repute of transport managers who flout the rules and ignore their obligations, preventing them from working in the industry as a Transport Manager. Penalties can range from curtailment of operators licence, suspension of operator’s licence, suspension of drivers licences, fines and loss of repute for the Transport Manager. Transport Managers and Checkedsafe: At CheckedSafe, we can’t guarantee to make your job easier but we can certainly make is simpler. Currently when your drivers complete their daily walk round checks on either a Vehicle Defect Card or paper, you have to sit and collate all the information and make judgement calls as and when you get it. With CheckedSafe Daily Walkround Check, the report is completed using our App by your driver, this information will be sent directly to you flagging any defects that require your attention and more importantly your decision, you can view online and/or receive notifications via email, instead of sifting through 100 paper vehicle checks you can simply focus on the 2 that have actual defects thus making better use of your time only examining defective vehicles ( that alone makes you 98% more efficient as you not looking at 100 checks). You can be safe in the knowledge that our system us up to date with the relevant appropriate legislation changes. Commonly defect reports are retained for a minimum of 15 months with a general guide for all nil defect cards to be retained for 3 months however the CheckedSafe Transport Management system allows retention of all documents (defects and nil defects) indefinitely in our secure system. This confirms that all vehicles have been checked contemporaneously providing a comprehensive report for each vehicle as and when required without the cumbersome storage of paper or vehicle defect cards.Visit the CheckedSafe website for more information on DVSA Compliance And Transport Managers