
Truck Brake Air Line Replacement System - Bessie

Cut Vehicle Downtime with a Bessie Truck Brake Air Lines. Broken airlines are reported to be 10% of truck breakdowns and a persistent problem to transport firms as breakdown fees and down time could lead to missed delivery slots and fines. The Bessie Truck Brake Air Line Replacement System is designed to reduce breakdown down time, fees and missed delivery slots. As Bessie is effectively a normal airline with a quick release coupling on both ends, a driver can replace a broken line within minutes and then be on the way to make that all important delivery time slot. No need for tools or on road repairs, just replace the faulty line. The Truck Bessie System complies with all relevant technical standards including the hose from an OEM supplier, and has been tested by Mira with a formal high quality acceptance. Customer Statement: “For the Last two and a half Years we have fitted the Bessie Truck Brake Air Line Replacement System to 350 vehicles. Our airline failures were always a course for concern to us as we run very close coupled Fridge Tractor Trailer combinations. Since deciding to fit the Bessie Truck Brake Air Line Replacement System our troubles have dissipated away so that now we don’t have to worry one bit as we can rest easy in the knowledge that the trucks are kitted out with the Bessie Truck Brake Air Line Replacement System and that our drivers can change their own in minutes and be back on his journey with the minimum of fuss and “Bingo “ for us the Minimum of cost.” Tyrone Lanaway, Fleet Engineer, Nagel Langdon

Visit the Aide Automotive Ltd website for more information on Truck Brake Air Line Replacement System - Bessie


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